Decca Records Timeline

Decca Trade Gramophone
A portable gramophone company uses the Decca trade name for the first time.
Decca Record pressing plant arrives in New Malden
Lewis purchases the Duophone Record Company factory in New Malden, creating the Decca Record pressing plant.

Decca premises. Copyright Creative Youth.
Edward Lewis founds Decca Records
Edward Lewis founds Decca Records, taking over the Decca Gramophone Company.

Stan Goodall meeting Edward Lewis. Credit: Stan Goodall
Copyright Creative Youth.
Decca America is formed
Lewis forms American branch of Decca with Jack Knapp.
American Decca sold
Lewis sells off American Decca in 1937, wary of increasing Nazi aggression in Europe.
Decca Radar developed
Company develops Decca Radar as part of British war effort.
Decca develop full frequency range recordings (FFRR)
Decca subsequently use this radar technology to create full frequency range recordings (FFRR), which gives them superior sound quality to competitors.
LP manufacture begins
Decca plant begins manufacturing long-playing records, otherwise known as LPs.

Credit: Ethel Oakley
Copyright Creative Youth.
Development of the Decca Tree
Roy Wallace, Arthur Haddy and Kenneth Wilkinson develop the Decca Tree – a pioneering means of recording audio – for commercial use.
Royal Visit
Prince Philip visits the New Malden factory.
Stereo LP launch
Decca launch the stereo LP.
No more 78s.
Decca stop selling 78s.
Beatles rejection
Decca reject the Beatles after an audition.
Rolling Stones signed
Decca sign the Rolling Stones.
Decca is sold to Polygram.

Copyright Kingston History Centre.
The End of an Era
New Malden plant closes.

Copyright Creative Youth.